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tv   The O Reilly Factor  FOX News  July 10, 2014 5:00pm-6:01pm PDT

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tahmooressi's hearing or not suspicious. vote in our gretawire poll. good night from washington. go to gretawire. the o'reilly factor is on. tonight. >> apparently playing a game of pool is a higher priority for this president than it would be to go and see the humanitarian crisis he has created. >> the disastrous situation on the southern border has opened up opportunities for some republicans who may run for president. tonight, we will have the inside story on that. >> the one tool they have are articles of impeachment. let's get going on that. >> the "wall street journal" chiding sarah palin for suggesting president obama be impeached. bernie imoltd berg has some thoughts. >> said i was too young, too soft. communism. i told them i was ready and they trusted me. >> they still do. >> and killing kennedy the
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movie has been nominated for best tv film. emmy committee, real good news for us. >> tell me in the morning, mr. president? >> okay that. >> caution, you are about to enter the no spin zone, the factor begins right now. ♪ ♪ hi, i'm bill o'reilly. thanks for watching us tonight. republican presidential hopefuls get a boost from the southern border controversy that is the subject of this evening's talking points memo with president obama's poll numbers in free fall and his strategy of disengagement on major i, some republican presidential hopefuls are stepping up. the man taking the most advantage of the situation, texas governor rick perry who has now become mr. obama's primary adversary. >> that's the same president that said al qaeda is on the
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run. and i don't know whether he is inept or there is something else going on as i said before. the facts is the border is not secure. we have a humanitarian crisis on our hands now because the border is not secure. and the president needs to understand that the single most important thing that he can do, is put the national guard on the border to coordinate with local law enforcement, with our state law enforcement, with the border patrol. >> well, governor perry clearly looking to run in 2016. and with a good economic story in texas, he does have a solid foundation. possible candidate number two may surprise you. it is mitt romney. some of his acolytes are whispering that he is considering another presidential run. and the factor has learned this is not idol talk. recently the romney family held a big gathering on mackinaw island in northern michigan. they stayed at the grand hotel up there.
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very nice place. and there was much talk about governor romney running again "new york post" columnist cindy adams reports mr. romney may well do that ms. adams has been right before in political predictions. talking points would not be surprised if mitt romney steps up. the third possible candidate taking advantage of the southern border situation is texas senator ted cruise. >> apparently playing a game of pool is a higher priority for this president. than it would be be to go and see the humanitarian crisis he has created. the president is right in one regard he has described what is happening on the border a
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>> number two. >> you should wear the glasses then. >> romney. >> yeah. mitt romney, look, his people had been asking many months ago around in high finance circles some of the same donors who gave to his campaign last time. taking the temperature, what do you think about another romney run, i think at the time people said you have got to be kidding me. ' it's like a william jennings ryan thing. you can't be serious. now i'm not sure people are saying the same thing. it's a long shot for someone like a romney. we had a couple million people stayed home. they didn't turn out to vote. i'm not sure what states today bill he would win or
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in 2016 he would win that he didn't win last time around, especially if it's an elizabeth warren or hillary clinton. >> ohio i think he would win now and probably virginia as well. >> i don't know, i think it's a tough one. >> conservative americans, they don't like romney. i don't think they are going to like him this time around. but i do believe that he is prepared to do it remember richard nixon lost to kennedy and then he ran again and won. >> yeah, but i think, i don't know, i think romney said at the end of may he sent a statement maybe on fox look we need immigration reform done before 2016 that's the kind of stuff i don't think the grass roots wants to hear that the establishment would like romney to some extent. old news. anything is possible. he has a lot of great connections and he has enormous clout. >> i think perry would hurt romney. >> big time. >> conservatives would probably go to perry rather than romney. >> oh, yeah. >> romney has got a machine
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and i think he wants to do it. ted cruise, what do you think? >> ted cruise very interesting. he has been playing nice with the establishment lately after black fall and green eggs and ham and standing up and doing that very dramatic filibuster against the debt ceiling and for, you know, for the repeal of obamacare i should say. so back then people say is he a frick. he doesn't have a shot. i don't know. i think with this border thing, i think throws everything into flux. do i think ted cruise is going to be the nominee? i don't think so. but with general kind of out there and romney and all the question marks about how we are handling immigration, ted cruz, you know, might surprise at love people. he obviously will get the grass roots excited. >> he will run well in iowa and new hampshire. >> i don't think though bill in the end when you go through iowa, new hampshire, i don't see he wins new hampshire. go to south carolina, maybe get some traction, then in places like florida and then you just go through the list. i think the establishment
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crushes someone like ted cruz. >> of course, you know, governors could step up as well. we are talking about the border crisis giving people some visibility and there is no question in my mind. >> you can make mistakes though bill at the border crisis, too. republicans can can make a lot of mistakes in the they discuss it and talk about it. >> i think perry has done well so far. >> o'reilly for perry. >> as soon as i endorse somebody, as soon as bill o'reilly would endorse somebody, the next three days they would be arrested. >> perry may be worried hearing this tonight. >> never endorse, never tell anybody ohio vote for. laura ingraham, everybody e neck on the rundown did, president obama make the worse mistake of his administration while for not visiting the border while he is he is next. we will debate it sarah palin calling for the impeachment of the president. factor is coming right back. t!
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i wish the president of the united states were going down and visiting the children and visiting the site tonight. >> he is shown playing pool in colorado, drinking a beer and he can't even go to 42 miles to the texas border? i serveded 'president clinton tornado struck tragic day you go. not that the president is going to rebuild the homes in alabama. you go. first off you show that you care. >> question becomes how big a mistake did president obama make by not going to the border. >> with us now tantaros host of the five. how big a mistake carville. >> i think it's a mistake. probably significant mistake. i thought he should have gone early on to the bp oil spill and president bush on katrina. public expects a president to show up at these kind of
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moments. frankly agree with democratic consultants that came before him. people frustrated on track to have the best job creation in this sector, healthcare sector. why didn't he go? >> two weeks before he went down to bp. >> it was a while. i screamed and yelled about that. >> out in the bioscreaming come down here. y'all come down here. >> i did. i think he should go. >> i remember that how big a mistake? >> huge mistake. think about it it, bill, if he would have went to the border yesterday or even just to one of the immigration processing centers. even if he left the cameras at home. he went in and captured them when he was walking out could have taken the issue away from republicans and saying after seeing what i saw today, i recommend sealing the border and all this other stuff and he would have taken that argument right out of the republicans hands. >> i disagree with that he
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would have resurrected his poll numbers. >> i don't think so at least from a pr perspective. >> he would have toned it but would have owned it on the negative. i do agree with you that he should have gone down there. i don't think it would have done him a lot of good in the polls issue knows it's his fault. absolutely his fault. border to stop it he didn't do it. he was told by governor perry six months ago it was happening. he did absolutely nothing. but, as john mccain said here last night, carville, the worthiness of it is to thank the relief workers. >> right. >> thank the religious people who are working with the children every day to thank them. and to keep a humanitarian not political that's what he could have done. >> i think clearly and let me tell you, man, the border patrol people. it's hot in laredo and del rio and brownsville this time of year. that i can guarantee you. this is a first class
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humanitarian thing having to deal with this. he also could have sent assage l salvador hey, look, unfortunately we don't have the -- we can't accommodate you. running the adds on. i think it would have been effective in that sense let's get to the why he didn't do it. you have got to assume that was debated in his circles. decided we are going to go to colorado and raise money for udall who doesn't show up. unbelievable put new a position playing pool and walking down around downtown ventricle investor and look lite. got it know the media is going to take these pictures and just appose them with the kids at the border. does he not know that? >> even -- look, is he going to go on and do things. i think forget the deficit for me. he should be down there.
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>> you used to it be a consultant. >> i would have advised him to go. >> the pictures in denver that are killing him now. >> bill, he didn't go because he and his press secretary jay carney reportedly told us they sealed the border and he has been a leader on their. he believes the media is going to core for him if he doesn't go. if he would have gone to the border, bill, he could have made the case on the humanitarian side. >> that's what it would have had to be. >> make the republicans look mean and nasty and anti-kids. >> we're all savvy here politically. that's what we do for a living owe gois to denver. he knows shoots pool. juxtaposed the beer drinking and pool drinking with the kids lying on the floor? come on. >> if he didn't learn it after the times square bombing, bp issue, benghazi is he not going to learn it now. >> is that your opinion is he tone deaf, carville. >> he is not carville tell him not it go. >> this is the first
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president since eisenhower to get over a 1% of the vote twice. in his mind, he thinks he is a pretty good politician. i think he has made a mistake. >> all right. >> and everybody i have talked to thinks he has made a mistake. >> almost unanimous even people fanatically pro-obama. >> i think it's an era. >> carville. all right. directly ahead. president obama wants another 4 billion taxpayer dollars to deal with the border. "yes" or "no," what do you think? we will hear both sides. later gutfeld and mcguirk on the city of berkeley, california giving away free pot to homeless folks. that will solve that problem. those reports after these messages. come to walgreens for help finding the one that's right for you... centrum. select products now just $9.99 with card. at the corner of happy and healthy. your eyes. even 10 miles away... they can see the light of a single candle.
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factor fog up segment total. as you may know president obama wants to throw money at the southern border problem. he is asking congress for nearly $3 billion to do a variety of things. >> the president assured the american people the border is secure and clearly it is not. i can tell you this though, we are not giving the president a blank check. >> all right, joining us from denver, linda chavez fox news contributor who worked in reagan the bush elder administrations from washington republican congressman steve king. you say you are not going to vote to approve any funding for the kids down on the border? >> i'm not going to it approve $3.7 billion for the president to hire more lawyers and to squander in a way that he has designed there is nothing in this that actually secures the border. until we solve stop the border we are not going to solve the problem. >> some of them need help. doesn't congressional locate some emergency funding for the children. >> i would look at that in that fashion. when i look at the president's appropriation. that isn't really where this
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thing needs to go. i just want to insist that the president secure the border. and i have concluded in the last few days he has no intention to do so. we have got two and a half years of this going on. we have got to stop the bleeding. this topic can come up about how to take care of the kids after we do the emergency situation. >> moving the national guard down there and i said last night i think he is. >> i agree. >> will, but we will see. >>, linda, how do you see it? >> well, first of all, i want those kids to be able to get back home to honduras and guatemala and el salvador where they are coming from. it cannot happen unless congress appropriation some money so that we have enough judges in the immigration system to hear the cases, to adjudicate them. we have a law that says these kids must be processed within 72 hours. they then are either put into a detention center or if they had relatives. they are released to those relatives. they eventually have to go home. if you want those kids to go home, you are going to have to it appropriate the money to make that happen.
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>> what about that, congressman, the money that would be appropriated almost 4 billion some of it would be used to deport the children. and you say? >> well, i just don't accept that as a reason that we have all these kids massed on our border. the president has let them. in he has essentially invited them. he can do intradepartment tall transfers. he can find the money. right now 70% of our border patrol is being used to warm bothers and change diapers. until the president shows the will. by the way all the president needs to do is quality president of each of these three countries and say there is a -- going to arrive on your airport. 250 of these kids on it being on the tarmac to welcome them or we are going to shut off your foreign aid. i will turn that foreign aid into these kids and i would be very glad to do that. >> i'm very interested to hear that the congressman thinks that the president should violate the law on this. the law is very clear. we have a human trafficking law that says those kids have to be handled a certain way. i'm in favor of changing that law. i don't think that law was
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intended to deal with the kind of crisis it is now. >> it wasn't. we have 4,000 children come under that law. >> absolutely. we have to change the law. >> all right. go ahead, congressman. >> i introduced that bill into the record the night before last to change the law. i don't want to try to move it in the house because, when we send it to the senate, they are likely to put the senate's gang of 8 am mess city bill on it i call on the senate. >> take the bill i introduced. send to the house, i will support it it i think we should do that and that's a constructive thing we can do. >> all right. so you both agree that some things, but there is a general mistrust of the president, lip da. >> absolutely. >> that's why the house probably will not give him the 4 billion. because they don't trust him. they think he will take the money and he will do smoke and mirror pr business but won't solve the problem and it's another 4 billion down the drain. that's the bottom line. the president lost credibility if indeed he ever had credibility in the house. >> there is no question about that i have written tons of columns about my mistrust of president obama. in fact, he deserves that
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distrust. but the congress can take his request, they can make changes in it as needed. it ought to be targeted at border enforcement, but it also has to be targeted at dealing humane whether i these kids. bill, you are the big champion of kids. these pictures of these 6-year-olds. >> i agree with you. listen, and i think. >> we have got to take care of them. >> i don't think congressman king would he oppose if it was very targeted money for the children to get them back home eventually, all right. and then to secure the border. if those three elements were four front congressman you would support. >> i would like to do that we should conclude this president will never secure this border. it's absolutely clear to me. >> let's see. enough pressure comes on him. >> the only thing that's going to secure the border. congressman, is if you pass legal immigration reform. >> i don't believe that. >> that has nothing to would it.
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>> that's a whole different thing. i don't believe that linda. i think you can stabilize that situation. >> it should be done. >> we need to call out the national guard. have governor perry call out the national guard. >> each hour did it let's do it again. >> all right. thank you very much. now i'm going to say can you stabilize southern border by militarizing it. talking about military guys here is bernie. plenty more ahead as the factor moves along this evening. goldberg has some thoughts about sarah palin calling for impeachment of president obama. next our mad as hell segment. >> i'm a lady, animal. >> they look angry. we hope you stay tuned to those reports. many of my patients still clean their dentures with toothpaste.
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or trouble breathing. tell your doctor your medical history. and find an arthritis treatment for you. visit and ask your doctor about celebrex. for a body in motion. mad as hell segment tent. here to help us out heather nauert. letter number one, heather comes from melinda lives in st. louis. in your town, the post dispatch having big problems. >> that's absolutely right. the owner filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy. berkshire hath away grabbed a bunch of its stock. we will see what happens with that boy is that paper left. you go to the front page. >> crazy left. >> i'm not talking about the editorial page. that's another matter. talking about the news page, for example. today's article all lie nice democrats or row poet a liberal agenda circulation
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is down. newspaper in seattle went un. "chicago sun times" went down. it's paper after paper after paper. >> albuquerque tribune. all left wing concerns. they are not learning. >> overall circulation is down among a lot of newspapers. >> second letter from marty, alcohol is the drug responsible for more tragedies than any other. yet is, it legal, is it is legal tore anyone unked age of 21 i'm angry use is glorified. how many deaths are attributed to alcohol? >> for driving because most of us think about driving when it comes to alcohol related problems. for driving about 30% of fatalities. >> 30% on the road. >> >> are are related to alcohol. about 30% according to columbia university are related to drug driving. drugged driving is actually up while drunk driving is actually down. >> that's because the legalization of all this stuff. >> i'm glad this person called it a tragedy as you and i have both seen alcoholism. >> it's horrible. it's absolutely horrible and
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everybody knows it. >> destroys families. >> people want to drink, americans want to drink and they are gonna drink. like prohibition didn't work. but cirrhosis of the liver was a big killer. >> pancreatitis, diabetes, you name it. >> third letter: >> i have that situation on long island where i live i'm trying to be nice about it comes a point you have to walk out. did i that in a big electronics store the other day. i just want to the buy a radio. i had to do like a pant pantomine. >> was this the guy that stocked the sheflts. >> service person. i couldn't even find a thing. i said look, enough. >> we called wal-mart for a response to that. they actually didn't get back to us. if a company fires someone because they don't speak english. >> they get in trouble. >> they can get slapped with a big fat. >> don't get angry, lee. there is always someone else that sells what you want.
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>> letter number four: >> we it for like five years, heather. we have to radio fresh the show sometimes. guess what replaced body language? >> you. >> mad as hell, so you want me to fire heather and bring back body language? is that what you want? here is the last letter. buck lumber he is angry in chicago. poor megyn kelly. you make a run for the factor her own show, bill. i swear i saw a bead of sweat on her forehead. that's impossible, buck. ms. megyn never per expires under any under any circumstances. ever. when was the last time droosm per expiration fell off your head. >> the other day. running outside. >> was anybody chasing you? >> for health, bill.
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>> you were jogging? >> yes. >> i was jogging. you were actually sweating? >> it was hot as hell out. >> can we get video of that the next week. >> sure, no problem. >> i'm serious. did you all at the present time to see heather perspire. selfie. i will do a selfie. it's when you take a picture of yourself with what you would call a machine. >> i couldn't do it. by the way, just for the record, ms. megyn has like 8 people following her around with little pads. so you are never going to see her even when she jogs she has the 8 people jogging. >> she is on your show and then her show starts 8 minutes later. >> it's hard. >> he they don't have elevators here do they. >> if you are mad as hell we want to hear about it us. write us at mad as when we come right back, bernie goldberg on sarah palin calling for the impeachment of the president. bernie is next. (son) oh no... can you fix it, dad?
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thanks for staying with us. two hot topics is the coming down hard on president obama and sarah palin saying this. >> americans, congress, those who are concerned about protecting our constitution and using the one tool that congress does have to halt what is going on. this lawlessness coming from the top.
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the one tool they have, are articles of impeachment, let's get going on that. >> what's your response to governor palin? >> i disagree. >> what about the folks in your conference that are calling for talk about impeachment? >> i disagree. >> i think he disagrees. joining us now from north carolina the purveyor of bernard mr. goldberg. and you say? >> i say good for john boehner and good for any other politician that rejects this crazy idea. two groups. i think only two groups that think impeach isn't a good idea. the hard right and the hard left. the hard right, because they are ideological purist and the hard left because they know it will destroy the republican party and any hopes they have in november. the good news is take it seriously. >> why would of the move destroy chances in november. >> because people will say it's all politics.
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that's all it is. they are just going after this president and it won't even win the support of a majority of republicans and the moderates will run like crazy. it is not just a terrible idea, it is beyond terrible. >> all right. i think the reason why it would hurt the republican party would be that would be the story so that all of president obama's other problems the border, isis army, putin, the economy, although the economy looks like it's getting better that would recede and all be about this impeachment thing. >> and how do you think the electorate would take all of that? >> the press would mold it into 5% cushion of the first black president. you are persecuting the man. that's what -- that's the theme. >> that's what they would be. but let's just make clear that many, many, many republicans, far more than not are against this. for good reason. >> yeah, i would like to see
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a poll. let's get a fox news poll on that. >> wait a second, hold on, hold on. >> what? >> a fox news poll, even though you always say it's unscientific. >> no, no, no. you are getting mixed up with bill o' >> you are right. >> fox news opinion -- that's a scientific poll. bill o' is an entertainment poll. >> fair enough. >> we'll do the scientific poll because i would like to see what the plurality is as well. okay, now, on the media thing howard kurtz said and you have said. >> i have said more than a few times, from time to time especially when the poll numbers are low, the press will get tough on barack obama. here's what i'm saying tonight. it will not last -- it never does and it's not a tipping point. if this -- if the press has suddenly decided to behave like real journalists, why haven't they jumped on a really important big story,
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the irs scandal? they haven't. why haven't they jumped on any of the other so-called phony scandals of the obama administration? they haven't. and if things get worse for barack obama, are we supposed to believe -- bill, you are not -- whatever else you are -- you are not knive. are -- naive. are we supposed to belief they are going to push barack obama off the cliff and behave like real journalists which would only help republicans? if the press still tries to prop the president up after all these disasters they become cartoons. >> they have been a cartoon for years. i can think of one scenario to back up what you just said. only one. there has been news of late that hillary is distancing herself from barack obama. so let's say the so-called mainstream media, the
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reporters decide is he a lame duck, we have done as much as we can for him. we have slobbered over him for six years. that's enough. now we will jump off a -- the obama bus and on to the hillary clinton for president campaign bus. but they won't be doing it because they want to finally behave like real journalists. they would be doing it because they want to substitute one historic candidate that they can support for another they get tough from time to time as i is said many times on this program. it's not going to last it never does and they are not going to throw him off the cliff and help republicans. it ain't going to happen. >> gutfeld and mcguirk on deck giving free pot to the homeless and the 50 sexist people in cable news. the boys up ahead.
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i would. switch to comcast business internet and get the fastest wifi included. comcast business. built for business. back of the book seeing want tonight, what the heck just happened? here now to tell us bernard mcguirk and greg gutfeld. listen closely to this sound bite from a councilman in berkeley, california. >> basically the city council wants to make sure that low income, homeless indigent folks have access to their medical marijuana, their medicine. cannabis can be very expensive. we think this is a responsible thing to do. the city the berkeley will give smart. discrimination. what about drunks. why can't i get free booze
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when i'm at berkeley. you don't want pot, you want drinks. >>. you don't give pot to homeless. get motivation. >> some adderall. >> it's even worse than that what will the free pot to indigent people do? >> for one it will make them forgetful. >> what will it do to the town. >> to the town? >> yeah. >> more of them will go there. >> this is how they are getting this homeless position in the first place. you remember the song by afro man i was going to go to work but i got high. i left my wife and kids because i got high. now i'm sleeping on the sidewalk i know why because i got high, because i got high. of course that's why they are there in the first place. >> i heard that on american bandstand. they '92. >> afro man. >> couldn't dance to it. scary part about this is
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people living on the streets who are high inevitably going to get the munchies and pets going to go missing. >> you are going to eat the pets. >> i have. >> this is so insane. >> yeah. >> this is so insane, the city of berkeley, why would you live there, first of all? because everybody, the word is going to get all? because the word is going to get out. free drugs. let's go. >> of course. >> so they'll all descend on the city and then the city, i guess they have money to do this, they got to buy the pot. >> aren't the businesses required to give it? 2%, right? they're forcing the businessman to pay out. >> it's like a tide. >> a high tide. >> so all the businesses have to give money for the free pot. >> high tide. >> that could be a rock group too. >> by the way, i smell a movie coming. dude, where's my cardboard box. >> dude let's head to berkeley. now cable news encompasses four
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networks fox newschannel then cnn and msnbc and you have headline news. recently they made a list of the 50 sexiest people and we didn't make the cut, man. >> first of all, just until a couple of minutes ago i thought it was the 50 most sexist people in the news media. >> we would have made the list there. >> but listen, this is to make people feel bad. look, allen combs and rivera. >> they weren't on there. >> that's what i'm saying. >> you think they feel bad. >> can you imagine him saying listen, he must have went into a funk for weeks. >> well, kimberly made the list and rightly so, right? elizabeth hasslebeck. >> this is extremely predictable. you have phil whose base is in miami and by base i mean his tan. who is not on there is lo
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lou dobbs. very sexy man. bill is just covered in make up. without it he looks like imis. if you've seen him in the morning he looks like a bowl of hardened oatmeal. it's frightening. >> there's a lot of people that transform in the make up chair. i don't have a beef with the list. >> they're engaging in passive fat shaming to use their terminology. >> we're not jealous. we applaud people thatthese lis >> i don't. >> wait. >> he is jealous. >> they have smith on there and the only reason is because he has that studio. looks like he's working outside the world's largest microwave oven. that's why they have him on there. >> that's why he made it. >> you know what it is, its shortest. >> because you're tiny. >> because i'm tiny. >> maybe they should have a list of tiny sexy people. >> do you know what, it should be a very short list. >> and on that note, we're
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going. nominated for emmy as best tv film. wow. moments away.
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in a moment, killing kennedy nominated for best movie of the year on television. but kathie graham stopped in california. more and more i'm wondering whose side president obama is on. the only thing i know for sure is things have never been worse in my 67 years. things were bad during the vietnam war kathie and also during watergate. america has always bounced back and we will this time as well. glenn jefferson watching the president play pool while there's so much calamity reminded me of nero fiddling while rome turned. >> governors control washington national units.
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why don't they send them to the border. here's the answer, because the state governors don't want to incur the tremendous expense involved. the border state governors believe it's a federal problem and should be dealt with at that level. it's a money deal. dwight arrington, west columbia south carolina i heard senator mccain say president obama is naive rather than competent. anyone that thinks the president is naive is naive. >> i felt upset that you compared congresswoman sheila jackson lee to a moron. that condition is a disease where the patient has a mentality of 7 to 12 years old. i didn't compare her to a moron. i said that anyone that believes the obama administration is not responsible for the border chaos we see today is a moron. i stand by that. so if the shoe fits mrs. lee, it's not on me. eric peterson, seattle, i agree with miller. my mantra is now i got mine.
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the only ones i care about are friends and family. not me eric. i'm not conceding anything to the forces of darkness. i'm going to fight them. have you ever held a real job in your life? or has it all been media and academic? let's see i worked at the ice cream stand, as a swimming instructor, as a house painter, as a cab driver and i did a little late night security work at the rec bar in miami beach. the legendary rec bar. how's that? my wife and i are coming to see you in miller in boston on december 6th. you have many fans up here. >> i hope so. i attended bu and harvard. my parents met in cambridge. boston is my second home. see you december 6th. tickets are going very fast. october 25th and caesar's palace
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november 7th two weeks from tomorrow in rapid city south carolina. next night july 26th. bill o' details on all the shows. my book killing kennedy sold nearly 2 million copies. same thing for killing lincoln and killing jesus. we have been very blessed in that area pardon the pun. now showbiz has weighed in. killing kennedy the movie has been nominated for an emmy as best tv film of the year. >> right now the rebels are pinned down here on the beach. castro himself is there. >> castro? on the beach. >> in a t-34 tank. >> i speak for the joint chiefs and i think cia agrees as well it is imperative that the united states provide air support. >> well, i don't want the united states involved in this. >> we are involved in this. we trained these rebels. you approved the mission. >> and you told me the plan would work. you told me those men would be
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met by anti-castro forces and where are they? are they there? >> mr. president are you aware there will be significant causalities sustained? we need to act. and we need to act now. >> most of the credit goes to the national geographic channel and the production company, rob lowe and the excellent cast of the movie as well as the writer kelly masterson and director. the emmys will be given out live on nbc august 25th. well, we hope we win but i'd feel better if the emmys were on fox newschannel. the tip of the day, hard work pays off. you can see killing kennedy on dvd. if you haven't seen it, check it out. that's it for us tonight. check out the fox news website. we'd like for you to spout off about the factor. word of the day, how about a
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little sapience when writing to the factor. want a positive word, there it is. again, thanks for watching us tonight. i'm bill o'reilly please always remember the spin stops here. we're looking out for you. breaking tonight one terror group with it's sights on america gets it's hands on nuclear materials while another tries to raise it's stakes in a war with a key u.s. ally. welcome to the kelly file everyone. i'm megan kelly. let's start with iraq where the group that just created the world's first terrorist stakes now has its hands on american made armored vehicles. they stand around 10 feet tall and were built to with stand everything from ieds to land mines and more. the group now said to be targeting the u.s. homeland just got it's hands on nearly 90 pounds of nuclear material. the stuff of so-called dirty bombs. the pentagon trying t